It started on Saturday by going to the store to pick up another present or two, and Jenna picking out her birthday cake and treats for school.
On Sunday, we had a party with Joel's family. Jenna helped me bake her cake to get ready (by help, I mean she stood and watched so you don't have to worry that she stuck her fingers in it or anything). Once it was done, she just stood there staring at it saying "Happy Birfday!". To distract her, I pulled out a candle so she could practice blowing it out. She got pretty good at it, but wouldn't you know it, when the pressure was on she would have nothing to do with it.
The Harrison's came over and gave her way to many presents. She was swimming in presents between what Joel and I gave her and what everyone else gave her. She got a new doll, a peg/hammer toy, a book, some slippers, a cell phone, and the list goes on. Joel and I tried to get shopping for her birthday done early, but it just backfired on us because we just wanted to buy more. We are awful.
On Monday, they sang to Jenna and had treats at school. When I picked her up, she just kept saying "Happy Birfday!". Joel, Jenna, and I went to Winger's for her birthday dinner. Jenna wouldn't eat a bite of anything. Oh, well. We came home and opened presents from my side of the family and a couple more presents from Joel and me (I told you we were bad!). By the time she was able to play with them for a few minutes, it was time to go to bed. I was so sad it was all over because it was so much fun. I can't wait until Christmas!