*Joel and I celebrated our 8th anniversary. Can you believe it? We are old farts. We were listening to something on the radio and this couple was saying they were going to put $10k towards their mortgage on their 10th anniversary. Joel said we should do that. Then we realized it is less than 2 years away!
*Jenna went to the ear doctor to have her tubes checked out. They are both about to fall out and should be gone by the time we go back this fall. I am still a little worried because her ears still get infected. I hope she doesn't have to get tubes again.
*Jenna got her first "bike". We had a coupon at Toys R Us so we headed out to get her one. The cheapest one there was a Dora one which she (and Joel) fell in love with. We are about ready to throw it out the window though because it is so annoying. It has all kinds of buttons on it, but Jenna only likes one of them.
*Jenna had her first parent/teacher conference where I was told how brilliant and beautiful she is. Did I really need to go to a conference to find that out?

*Jenna had her end of year party at "school". It was fun to watch her play with all of her friends. She just loves them to death. Some of the older kids sang some songs. Jenna and her little friend wanted to join in, so they went up behind the big kids and started dancing. My stupid camera wouldn't work to take a picture, though. It was really cute.

*Baby Harrison finally has some belongings of his own. I have been hesitant to buy a whole lot quite yet for some stupid reason. We went to Park City a couple of weeks ago and they were having huge sales everywhere so I bought him a bunch of shirts and a pair of pants all for like $10. Hey, it's a start.
*I had a really good mother's day. Jenna made me a planter out of a milk jug and put a marigold in it. She also made me a plate with her handprints on it. I had Joel buy me a Kitchenaid mixer. Joel made some yummy ribs for dinner.

*Our garden is growing! We planted peas, carrots, peppers, onions, and tomatoes. We had a spot for one more thing, so Jenna planted her mother's day marigold there. I can't wait for this fall when everything will be done and ready to eat!
*We had a fun Memorial Day weekend. Joel took a side job on Saturday to help pay for his upcoming trip to Texas so Jenna and I spent the day getting things ready for our ward party (we are the Activity Committee Chairpeople). Sunday was fairly relaxing. Monday we went down to Spanish Fork and spent the afternoon with family. Jenna had just given me a cold so I wasn't much fun, but it was fun to see everyone.

*Our ward party is over! Our 4 person committee (1 of which just had a baby) pulled off a pretty good BBQ if I do say so myself. I am so glad it is over. We have about a four month break to our next party. We are also on hiatus from our Sunday School class until at least this fall. It will be nice to just sit back and relax a little bit.
*Jenna has found a new place to take a nap. Joel was outside grilling some hamburgers and Jenna decided to open her sandbox and pretend to take a nap out in its lid. Silly girl.