So Jenna and I spent the evening together while Joel went to the gym. I tried to get a few things done and Jenna was such a big help. Here are some of the things she did:
*I was touching up some paint in the basement. She helped me by trying to stick screwdrivers in all of the sockets. (Joel hasn't checked to see if they work yet, so this was quite helpful). She dipped entire paint brushes into the paint. I never manage to get enough paint on the brush, so this was great. Just as I was finishing up, she peed all over the floor. The floor needed a good scrub down; she was just helping to wet it down.
*I was trying to pay some bills online when she came over and turned my computer off. I was probably using too much energy. You know we have global warming. I have to look out for her generation, right?
*She pooped in her diaper, so we went to her room to change her. She helped me by pulling off her diaper for me. In the mean time, the poop went flying. She did manage to catch it, though, which was helpful. She then smeared it in to her hair and across her face. Did I mention that this happened only minutes after I had given her a bath?
She is such a good helper. I am so glad to have her around.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
To blog or not to blog
I love when other people blog regularly; it gives me something new to read everyday. These people that blog regulary, though, usually have something good to say. So I guess my dilema is, I try to blog at least once a week, but if I don't have anything new and exciting to say, is it really worth my time? I guess it keeps me in the habit.
Let's see...what has happened this week...
Last Saturday I took Jenna to get her picture taken. Several people had called Jenna a boy after seeing her picture on my desk at work. The picture I have is really close up so you really can't tell if she's a girl or a boy based on the one picture. I figured I really needed to have a "girly" picture taken of her so there would be no question. So I got her all dressed up and put her hair in pig tails (at Joel's request). We got in the car and got halfway to Target when I turned around and saw that she had two fists full of pig tails. I told her to stop and she just stared at me for a second before bursting into tears. Oh, no. This should be fun. She finally stopped crying as we pulled into the parking lot. I fixed her hair and we went in. As soon as we stepped foot into the studio it was all tears again. She was unconsolable. So we just turned around and left.
We went back on Monday to try again. Same story. We were able to get 3 pictures taken, but they were all really sad looking. Oh, well. I guess that's life.
Here's why she was so upset...
We are still working on the basement. We are only able to do a little bit each day. We are lucky to have Joel's dad who comes over a couple of days a week to work on it while we are at work. The painting is nearly done. We just have a little bit of touching up to do. The electrical is almost complete as well. We went and bought a bunch of face plates yesterday to put up before we flip the switch to see if we get power.
These aren't very good pictures, but people have been asking about the colors...
The entertainment room. Joel wanted a dark color so it would be as dark as possible when he watches movies. The back wall is just darker than the other walls, but you can't really tell in this picture.
The bedroom. I LOVE this color!
The bathroom. This is a nice, calm, relaxing blue. Joel wants to be as relaxed as possible when he enters this room.
The hallway looking down from the landing. The color looks white, but it is really a light tan. Not what we expected at all.
Joel beat me to the punch putting that video up of Jenna. Isn't she just the cutest thing ever??? My favorite is when she gets all tense and makes that funny "Hulk" face. Joel says that he is going to take a picture of her when she does that and photoshop it to make her face all green like the Hulk. She wouldn't sing all of the words to the songs she knows. I like it when she sings 10 little monkeys. She says "mo mo monkeys" instead of "no more monkeys". She's the best. Today I found out that she knows how to sing Ring around the Rosie. We spent quite some time earlier falling down over and over again.
Oh, yes, how can I forget. Joel went shopping with his friends the other night for "Guys night out". He bought yet another pair of shoes. He is such a girl. He has more shoes than I do. I guess when they are only $9 a pop, that's okay (he goes to Steve and Barry's where everything in the store is $9). We are running out of places to put them, though. So, hon, does this make pair number 34 or 35 (just kidding!)?
Well, I guess I had more to write about than I thought. See, Mom, you can blog about boring stuff. You don't have to wait until something really exciting happens :)
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Jenna Sings Songs Volume 1
You are about to witness the next biggest singing sensation. Introducing the next Miley Cyrus, the next Hillary Duff, the next Jessica Simpson (pre-Nick Lachey)...JENNA!!!!!
Sundays in the Park
I meant to write about this last week, but never got around to it. For the last few weeks, we have taken walks on Sunday afternoons. There is a nice little walking path around the development that takes us right past our community park. We always stop for a few minutes for Jenna to go down the slides and swing, then somehow bribe her to continue our walk (usually with the promise of seeing some sort of puppy). The walk is a nice way to finish off our Sunday and start our new week. Here are a few pictures we have taken over the last couple of weeks.

Sunday, June 1, 2008
Memorial Weekend & More
So I invited more people to our blog, then I don't blog for more than a week. Sorry about that!
Anyway, we had a good Memorial Day weekend. I was sick on Saturday, so I spent the whole day on the couch. Joel and his Dad worked on the basement a little more. Sunday we just hung out. It was nice to just lounge around and not think about going back to work. Monday we got up kind of early and got to work. Joel spent the morning at Home Depot getting things for our backyard and basement. I spent the morning getting ready for the afternoon!
Every year my family gets together at the park and has a barbeque. This year, just as we were pulling up to the park, it started to pour down rain. The temperature dropped about 20 degrees, too. The rain finally stopped a few minutes later, but it was still pretty cold. All the girls huddled together in the pavillion while the boys tried to figure out how to keep the barbeque dry and lit. It was fun to sit and chat with everyone since we haven't gotten together as a family in forever, but it was all short lived. We quickly ate lunch and left. We were all frozen solid and just couldn't take it anymore. I didn't take any pictures, but here is one my mom sent us of Joel eating his double decker hamburger.
We spent the rest of the afternoon doing things around the house. The Harrison's had a little BBQ later that night, so we went over and just hung out for a couple of hours. All in all, it was a good weekend.
This week we have been busy with trying to play catch up with our workouts at the gym, picking out paint colors for the basement (it is a lot more difficult than we expected!), and FINALLY planting our garden. We finished up the garden yesterday and had a lot of fun doing it. It was a lot of hard, hot work, but it was nice to be able to spend a full day outside accomplishing something.
On one of our trips to Home Depot yesterday to get stuff for the garden, we stopped by Wal-Mart and picked Jenna up a little pool to swim in while we worked. She looked so cute in her little swimsuit we could hardly stand it! The water was a little cold, but she still had fun. She keeps begging to get back in the "watey" (I don't know why she calls it that because she really can say "water").
I'm ready!
Testing the water
Isn't this swimsuit the cutest! I love the little cutout. (Maybe not the most modest, but by far the cutest!)

Of course, she wanted to take her clothes off ten minutes after getting in the water.
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