Okay, I started this blog a few months ago, but it was kind of depressing so I didn't finish it. I started it when I was first getting on to the blogging "scene" and was just beginning to stalk people. I guess I was having a down day or something because every blog just made me feel jealous and I started to make a mental list of things I wish I had that my friends have. Here is what I came up with.
A nicer house. My house is sufficient for our needs (and probably more than that). Of course there are always things that could be better, but it doesn't really matter in the long run.
A cleaner house. My house has been a disaster since Jenna came into the picture. I try to clean up, but Jenna insists on keeping things a mess. I have to keep telling myself that I would rather spend time with her than cleaning. Plus, Joel is pretty good at helping out.
Be a stay at home mom. If I have to work, I am glad that I have the job that I have. I really enjoy it for what it is worth.
Have a house full of kids. The one I have is wonderful and the cutest in the world (sorry to break it to all of you other moms!).
More time to blog. If I had more time to blog I would spend way too much time doing it. This stuff is addicting!
Something more interesting to blog about. I have noticed that people are interested in what you have to write about no matter what it is. Even if all it is is posting a picture of your child's poop for the day (Anna Marie!).
A child that goes to bed at a decent hour! It is actually nice that Jenna goes to bed late because that means I get to spend more time with her at night.
A chance to catch up with old friends. That's what blogging is for, right?
I never finished this post several months ago, because I realized soon after starting it that I need to stop comparing myself to other people. I am really blessed in my life. Sorry this is so sappy!
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Yes! I made your post! It's hard not to compare ourselves to others. I definitely can sympathize on more than one of these- especially the dirty house!
Here here! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one!
BTW - Joel helps around the house?
How dare you Chan! You were my favorite sister that I called Chan (emphasis on WERE). and "helps" around the house is too weak.
Hi Kristen! It's Alice from Midland, MI! I was posting a comment on beth's blog and noticed your name so I thought I would check it and it was you! I'm so out of it, I did NOT know you and Joel got married! Congratulations (a little too late) Hope all is well with you guys, your daughter is darling! Say Hi to Joel for me, if he remembers me! Check out my blog sometime and you can see what my family is up to.
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