Sunday, December 7, 2008


So Alice tagged me. Let's see if I can answer her questions.

8 Favorite TV Shows

Prison Break
Ghost Hunters
Biggest Loser
Amazing Race
I can't think of anymore...

8 Favorite Restaurants
Cafe Rio
Costa Vida
Pier 49 Pizza
Ruby River
Carl's Jr
Ruth's Chris (We've only been there once, and that will probably be the only time, but boy was it good!)

8 Things that Happened Yesterday
Watched XFiles Movie (stupid)
Went bowling
Went Christmas shopping
Went bed shopping for Jenna
Worked on ward Christmas breakfast
Did laundry
Had to deal with Jenna not taking a nap

8 Things I am Looking Forward to
The new year
The recession to be over
A raise
Jenna sleeping in a big girl bed
Jenna being fully potty trained
Organizing the garage
The ward breakfast to be over

8 Things on My Wishlist
A clean house
Jenna being potty trained
Go to Hawaii
Lose some weight
Run in a race
New carpet
More time in a day
A nap

8 People I Tag
Anyone who wants to do this (It's harder than it sounds!)

Catch up

Well, it's been awhile since I have had a chance to blog (as Melissa likes to remind me:)). I know I have been busy, but when I sat down to write this blog, I couldn't remember what I have been busy with. So, I decided to check the camera. Unfortunately, I haven't been the best photographer lately, so I don't have many pictures to remind me what I have been doing. Here is what I did find though...

Jenna is really into going "bye-bye" lately. Here she is getting ready to go to church. She has put on her coat and zipped it up, put her lion hat on, and grabbed Mom's scriptures. She is ready to go! She has also neglected to clean her mouth after breakfast.

We went to both my family and Joel's family for Thanksgiving. Here is the setting at my parent's house. We eat in their garage since there is plenty of room out there and it is heated. It works out pretty well and Mom makes it looks more festive than just a garage.

Jenna had a great Thanksgiving. She got to eat all the bread she wanted. She did not want to let her baby go while she ate (by the way, that is my dad's old high chair she is in. Yes, we are a family of pack rats).

Dessert was yummy! (That is a toy cup in front of her, not our dessert)

We put up our tree last weekend. Jenna loved helping. We found a Santa hat in a box and put it on her. At first, she wanted nothing to do with it, but soon she didn't want to be parted with it. She even slept with it on that night.

My little girl is getting so big! I guess it's about time we keep her clothed.

Jenna had a rough day last week. She stepped on a toy at school and the other end came up and hit her in the mouth. It gave her a big ole fat lip. It must have happened right before I picked her up, because she was still pretty upset. When we got home, she walked right in, asked for cartoons, and sat down in her princess chair. She didn't even take the time to take her coat off. She just wanted her cartoons to comfort her.

We had a weekend of Christmas shopping this weekend. We went to the mall and splurged on some chocolate suckers from See's candy. Here is Jenna after I cleaned her up four times already.

I also celebrated my 30th birthday a few weeks ago. Joel and I went out to dinner, but that was about it. I wasn't feeling well, so we didn't want to do much. I think I caught the bug Jenna was just getting over (sound familiar, Anna Marie?). My co-workers decorated my cube, brought treats, and took me to lunch. They treated me really well. A couple of them were feeling guilty because they forgot my birthday last year, so they were trying to make up for it this year.

We have been frantically trying to plan the ward Christmas breakfast. It has been one roadblock after another. I can't wait until it is over. Hopefully it will turn out okay. If it's anything like the dream I had about it last night, though, we are in trouble.

We went bowling with some friends last night. Jenna was with us and was getting a little impatient waiting for us. I let her bowl with me on my first try every frame, and guess what? She got a strike! She's a natural. Sorry, hon, she might not be a WNBA star--she might be a bowling champion!

I think that about sums it up. I will try to be a better blogger, but if not, Merry Christmas!