Sunday, December 7, 2008


So Alice tagged me. Let's see if I can answer her questions.

8 Favorite TV Shows

Prison Break
Ghost Hunters
Biggest Loser
Amazing Race
I can't think of anymore...

8 Favorite Restaurants
Cafe Rio
Costa Vida
Pier 49 Pizza
Ruby River
Carl's Jr
Ruth's Chris (We've only been there once, and that will probably be the only time, but boy was it good!)

8 Things that Happened Yesterday
Watched XFiles Movie (stupid)
Went bowling
Went Christmas shopping
Went bed shopping for Jenna
Worked on ward Christmas breakfast
Did laundry
Had to deal with Jenna not taking a nap

8 Things I am Looking Forward to
The new year
The recession to be over
A raise
Jenna sleeping in a big girl bed
Jenna being fully potty trained
Organizing the garage
The ward breakfast to be over

8 Things on My Wishlist
A clean house
Jenna being potty trained
Go to Hawaii
Lose some weight
Run in a race
New carpet
More time in a day
A nap

8 People I Tag
Anyone who wants to do this (It's harder than it sounds!)