While he was gone, Jenna and I had a good time. We dropped him off at the airport and I headed home to take Jenna to school. It was water day and she was really excited to play in the water with her friends. I had two doctor appointments that day so I figured she would have more fun doing that than hanging out in the doctor's office.
Well, we arrived at school, I got out of the car to open her door. In that 10 seconds worth of time, she had thrown up all over the back seat of the car. Ug. So we headed home. I had just enough time to clean her up and head to my first appointment. She did surprisingly well there. I think the puke was a one time thing because she was happy and well the rest of the day. We went to Roberts and picked up some things to do and spent the evening just hanging out.
The rest of the week we spent swimming, coloring, watching cartoons, and just playing. We did spend Saturday and Sunday down at my parents. Jenna had a ball. She spent the entire time just giggling. She is really getting to a fun stage. Everything just seems to crack her up.

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