8:45 Hospital called. Be there by 9:30
9:30 Arrive at the hospital
10:00 Baby's heart rate dropped and they couldn't find it, so they put an internal monitor on him which broke my water. They have to wait for the doctor to look over the heart rate history to see if they can start the pit or not.
11:45 The doctor finally gets back and says it's okay to get me started
1:30 Get the epideral. Life is wonderful
2:55 Dialated to an 8
3:50 Start pushing
3:55 Baby arrives with the cord wrapped around his neck twice as well as around his hand.
He is healthy and happy (as far as we can tell so far). We are both doing well and should be home in the next couple of days.
He's ADORABLE Kristen!! Congrats to all of you! Glad that everything turned out okay and that mom and baby are doing well! Can't wait to meet him in person! :) Enjoy every moment!
Congratulations, that is so exciting - what a cute little guy!! I am glad you are both doing well!! I've been thinking about you and hoping all is well - thanks for sharing!
Congrats Harrison Family!!! Can't wait to see more pics!
Mucho congrats from TX!
Congratulations guys! Things have been much easier with Sawyer, than it was with Izzy. Hope it's the same with you two.
Congrats!! Hope you're getting the hang of things and can't wait to see more of cute Benjamin!
We are so excited for you guys. POST MORE PICTURES!!!! Love to all of you!
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