I love being a stay at home mom--even if it is only temporary. One of the best things about it is I have been able to sign Jenna up for a gym class. It's a 6 week class that meets once a week at the rec center. It started last week, but Jenna was sick so today was our first day. I have been so excited for this day--probably (no, definitely) more than Jenna!
It was so much fun! For the first 15 minutes or so we had "circle time" where the kids ran, walked, jumped, etc to get all warmed up. Jenna had the biggest smile on her face the whole time. I couldn't take her picture because I was doing the exercises with her and I had Ben in my arms.
They have themes every week and today was "The Outdoors". There were 5 stations that the kids went through.
*Go down a waterfall (slide), over a mountain(gym mats), across the river (balance beam type thing, and through the bear cave (tunnel).
*Be a bunny rabbit (hop on those balls with handles--I don't know what they are called)
*Feed the hippos (play hungry, hungry, hippos)
*???--I don't know the name (throw bean bags)
*Go fishing (catch paper fish with magnets)
After they went through all the stations they got a snack then we walked home. It was a blast!

Waiting for it to start

Jenna got a pink bracelet to show which group she was in

Listening to instructions

Going down the waterfall

Going over the mountain

Going over the river

Going through the bear cave

Being a bunny

Feeding the hippos

Bean bag toss

Cheating to catch fish

Got one (she got this one legitimately)