Here are a few pictures from some random stuff we have been up to...
Jenna and I had a dance party. Ben was not impressed.

"What are they doing?!?!"

"They are sooo weird..."

I couldn't find Jenna the other day and finally found her in my room asleep between the bassinet and the wall.

I love how kids sleep with their hands in weird positions

"Oh, no!"

We went to Farm Country at Thanksgiving Point. Here is Jenna riding the plastic cow. She was so concerned because the cow had an owie (the paint was chipped off).

I love her face in this picture. She was so excited to ride the pony.

After a baby cow moo-ed at her, this was about as close to the animals as she would go.

Feeding the chickens.

Jenna lived the little play village they had there. She especially liked the jail. None of my pictures came out very well here.

Jenna LOVES milk, so the display on how milk is made fascinated her (actually it was all the buttons that she could push).

I knew she was getting heavier! (It says she is 120 pounds)

Jenna did not want to miss out on tummy time!

She just loves Ben!

Isn't she cute?

Still cute!

Ben is done!
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