Sunday, November 8, 2009

In the words of Dora...

We did it! We all survived the last week with me being back to work. Jenna is right back in the groove of things with all of her friends and Ben warmed up to his teachers right away. When I went to pick them up last Wednesday one of the teachers was saying how Ben was so spoiled. Since he is the only baby there right now someone is always holding him and playing with him. She went on to say that day care is for kids to be spoiled. That made me feel much better about leaving them everyday.

My boss has been really accommodating. He is allowing me to work half day in the office and half day from home. We are trying this out for a month or so to see how it works out and so far it has gone pretty well (at least for me). I must admit it is hard sometimes because when I am working I feel like I need to be doing more with the kids or with cleaning the house. When I am with the kids, I am anxious about getting all of my work done.

Well, wish me continued luck with this working mom thing. It stinks twice as much with two kids than with one!


Anonymous said...

I worked from home for YEARS ~ in fact when we moved from Ohio to Michigan, she asked me to STILL work for her and mail the work back/forth. I transcribed depositions for a Court Reporter. I was 6 months pregnant with Beth (my 3rd) when I started (Jared was only 17 months old at the time and Rerun was 3-1/2 ~ Luke came along 18 monhs after Beth!!!) It was GREAT. Of course, I was a "playpen" Mom and they enjoyed cartoons. It was WAY better than taking them to someone else AND I kept all the money I earned. ~Grma Peless