She is getting so big! She is starting to say some words. Yesterday she said her name. It came out "nena" but you could tell it was supposed to be "Jenna". She can say puppy, owl, bye-bye, hi, Grandpa, Daddy and some other things I can't remember right now. She really likes to walk around saying "mama" constantly. It gets kind of annoying, but it's still cute.
We took her to the doctor on Friday to get a hearing test/follow up from getting her tubes. They couldn't check her hearing because she has yet another ear infection! If she doesn't stop getting ear infections, I think we are going to have to sell her (kidding!)
Joel and I started our class today at church. We are teaching the Marriage and Family Relations class. It should be pretty good. Everyone in the class loves to make comments so I think we only gave 1/20th of the lesson we prepared. It's interesting to hear what everyone has to say, though. Jenna freaked out about 10 minutes into the class because she was so tired. I took her out in the hall and pawned her off on someone. I think we'll have to find a babysitter for Sunday School for the next two months until she goes into nursery.
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