This is a little late, but here are some highlights from our Christmas:

Jenna eating dinner at my family's Christmas party. Nothing says Christmas like having lasagna for dinner!

Mom dressing Jenna up like an angel for the nativity. As soon as we started, Jenna was out of her costume. Oh, well. Joel & I played Mary and Joseph.

I really wanted to make cookies with Jenna, so we decided to make some sugar cookies for Santa. It was the most fun we have had in a long time! She was such a good helper! We made the dough Tuesday night, then finished them up on Wednesday (Christmas Eve).

Like I said, we had fun!

On Wednesday, Jenna helped me roll out the dough and cut out the cookies.

Daddy helped, too.

Decorating the finished product.

My cute $4 plate.

Cookies for Santa! We actually forgot to set the plate out. Oh, well. The cookies were REALLY good.

Grandma H. reading Jenna "Llama, Llama, Red Pajama". Jenna loves this book! She asks to ready "Nama, Nama" every night!

Cousin Lucy gave Jenna this fairy skirt for Christmas. She loved it! She pranced around in it all night.

Jenna in the monkey jammies that Santa's elves brought.

Santa brought Jenna a table and chairs for Christmas. He even took her toy dishes and her stuffed bunny and set them up ready to play!

Jenna had to open her presents sitting at her table.

New Years: "Can we go to bed yet?"

For New Years, we had some friends over. We ate pizza, sat around and talked, then bowled on the Wii. Afterwards we watched a really dumb movie. All in all, it was a lot of fun.
'Bout time! Jenna is so cute! I loved the pictures. Thanks for sharing.
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