Thursday, January 29, 2009

Can you repeat that?

Below is a conversation I overheard between Joel and Jenna the other night while Joel was watching TV.

Jenna: What's that?
Joel: A phone
Jenna: What's that?
Joel: A chair
Jenna: Who's that?
Joel: A corrupt senator
Jenna: Barrack Obama?

Both Joel and I swear that is what she said. I asked her to repeat it and she said it again. I haven't been able to get her to say it since, though. It was the funniest thing I have ever heard!


hillary said...

Izzy says Barack Obama all the time, I think it's just because I'm always watching Fox News. Anyway, I'm always telling her the same thing, that we don't like him. Too funny! Congrats to you too on your soon to be number two. I'll tell ya, so far I'm pretty overwhelmed, mostly because Izzy has been really bad. She's nice to the baby, but she's been doing crazy things like flushing stuff down every toilet in the house. I think she just wants some attention, but I'll be really glad when we all get used to this and she calms down. Honestly, she's been much harder than the new baby. He's a sweet little guy, which makes me even more ticked when she's a brat. Ah, I'll let you know when the tough part is over, unless you'd rather not think about it until you have to.