The trip to San Diego was easy and seamless. We didn't have to wait long in the airport and Jenna did so well on the plane. She fell asleep a few minutes into the flight. It was probably good because there was so much turbulence I would not have been able to entertain her for long. It was the first time I have come really close to losing it on a plane.
When we got to San Diego everything went well. We made a well worth it purchase a couple of days before we left. Joel found an awesome deal on a GPS so we bought it and took it with us. It made things so much easier! No more reading maps or figuring out where we are. We just listened to the GPS lady and she got us right where we needed to go! It only took us about 10 minutes to get to our hotel and a couple more minutes to get checked in. The trunk to our rental car broke by the time we got to the hotel so Joel had to climb through the back seat to get to our stuff in the trunk. I think that was the only hiccup.
We hung out at the hotel for a little while then headed out to find something to eat. We decided to try to find a Hard Rock Cafe. The GPS told us there were two. We went to try to find the one closest to us and couldn't find it, so we ventured out to find the other one. We found it fairly easily, but couldn't find parking. We drove up and down one way streets for about half an hour before we found a parking garage. By this time we were starving. We walk the block to get to Hard Rock only to find out that it was closed for a private event! Arg! We went another block to TGI Friday's. The food wasn't very good, the service was awful, and they gave Jenna curdled milk to drink. Other than that we were happy because we were on vacation! We headed back to the hotel after that, sat on our balcony for a few minutes, then went to bed nice and early.
That sounds like a lot of fun, minus the curdled milk at TGI's. Makes me want to go on vacation!
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