Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pioneer Day

I had the day off for Pioneer Day (July 24th), but Joel did not. Jenna and I took the opportunity to head down to Spanish Fork for their Fiesta Day parade. Joel doesn't like parades (which, really, who does?) so we could go without him. I was determined to let Jenna have a good time and in the process maybe help baby brother make his arrival sooner rather than later. The parade started and the candy went flying. Jenna was too shy to run out on her own and get the candy and her cousins hadn't arrived yet to help her, so it was my duty to show her how it was done. When you are only two and really cute, your success rate in getting candy is pretty high. I was dragging her in and out of the street shoving taffy in her pockets. It was a lot of fun.

After the parade we went back to Grandma's house (which fortunately was only 1/2 block away from the parade) and made lunch. We had hot dogs, corn, and chips. We sat around and talked for a while, then Jenna and I left. All the running around really took it out of me. We went home and rested until Joel came home. We told Jenna on the 4th of July that we would see fireworks again on the 24th so she was really excited. Unfortunately the only place doing fireworks in all of Utah County was Spanish Fork. We didn't want to head back down there so we went over to Jami's house and watched them set off their own fireworks. Those really scared Jenna so we headed home pretty quickly. The day went by really fast, but it was really fun!
Getting closer to the candy action. (Don't look at the fat lady next to Jenna)
Playing zim-zam at Grandma's just like I used to do when I was little.
Playing with "fireworks" (snaps) with Daddy.


Anonymous said...

Hey, that "fat" lady looks pretty darn good for about to deliver a baby. CONGRATS!! Grma Peless