Joel had fall break for school this week on Thursday and Friday so we decided to take a little road trip. We decided somewhat at the last minute to head down to St. George. We booked our hotel at 11 pm on Wednesday, Joel went to work until noon on Thursday, then we were off! We went swimming, shopping, to a movie (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs), to Mesquite, and just relaxed. There was a lot of other things we would have loved to do, but just didn't have the time. We wanted to get back home for the
BYU game on Saturday. The weather was perfect and we had a great time! Thanks, hon, for suggesting this little getaway!
On a side note, we did have some interesting happenings at all of the meals we had while we were there:
Thursday dinner - food not cooked all the way, water tasted like metal pipes, and Jenna's milk was "yucky" (she NEVER says that--was it another curdled milk experience?). We just dealt with all of this.
Friday breakfast - Joel had a hair in his food. He got his meal for free.
Friday lunch - consisted of popcorn at the movies served by an
incompetent employee
Friday dinner - buffet in Mesquite where we nearly got in a fight with the older than dirt hostess who didn't understand what we meant when we asked for a high chair. Also, if you aren't a big fan of seafood, don't go to a Mesquite buffet on a Friday night.
Saturday breakfast - didn't happen
Saturday lunch - hit up from a couple for some "gas" money. Joel got mad at me because I gave them some.
Fun times.
We didn't take many pictures, but here are a few of the ones we did take:

Jenna watching movies with the giant headphones.

So excited to go swimming! I brought this floaty just in case and that's all Jenna wanted to play with.

Ben lounging by the pool in his giant diaper

Yay! Swimming! (Jenna woke up Friday morning from a dead sleep asking if she could go swimming. This girl is funny in the morning. She goes from zero to sixty in no time flat)

Ben's first dip in the pool. He did so well and didn't cry until he was tired and ready to go to bed for the night.

Ben was content to sleep in his car seat while the rest of us swam on Friday morning.

We went to the chocolate store when we were done shopping. We sat down to relax and eat our yummy treats!

Looking at the water features in Mesquite. You would have thought they would have lit them up at night.

This is what Ben did while Daddy and Jenna went swimming yet again!
Those pictures were great. I love the huge swim diaper. It is as big as Ben is!!!
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