Sunday, November 8, 2009


We had a really fun Halloween this year. Jenna is at the best age to dress up and go get candy. We got the kids all dressed up and headed out about 5:45 (after we had already had several trick or treaters at our house). The weather was cool, but not too cold yet. Jenna, Ben and I then headed out to knock on doors. We left Joel to man the door at our house, which he was more than happy to do. Jenna got the idea right away. Her favorite part was ringing peoples doorbell. There were a lot of people not home so she started to get really impatient. She would ring the doorbell, turn immediately around and say "No one's home!" and walk away. More often then not, someone would answer the door as she was walking away.

We went around our ward and were out until almost 7:00. Jenna was such a trooper and didn't get tired until we were at our next door neighbor's house. She got quite the haul of candy and will be wired for the next six months.

When we were all done with trick or treating, Dave and Sophie came over. We made some yummy BBQ chicken sandwiches for dinner, played some Wii bowling, and watched Gremlins. To top it all off, we had chocolate molten lava cake for dessert! It was such a fun day!
Joel got this cute onsie when he was in Texas this summer.
Check out the "Baby of Steel" on his sleeve.
Too cute!
My super kids
My super family


Pops Stargell said...

Cute Halloween pics. I haven't managed to get mine posted yet. Guess I need to get on that before Thanksgiving. Or Christmas. Or New Year's...

P.S. Did Kev tell you that I watched Priesthood Session with him and Brian and your dad back in early Oct? Then Kev and fam and me hung at Brett and Deni's place. Good times.