Sunday, March 16, 2008

More Please!

We had brownies for dessert tonight.

Here is Jenna begging for more.

Here is Jenna asking for more. She is learning sign language at day care. It is so cute to see her do signs!
Jenna did a couple of funny things today. She was lying down with me trying to go to sleep when she leaned over and blew a zerbert on my arm. It was the funniest, and wetest, thing ever! We both kept cracking up. Needless to say she didn't go to sleep.
Tonight we were at Grandpa Dave's house and I was changing her diaper in the bathroom. I stood up to wash my hands and she ran over and started to play in the toilet. It was gross, but funny. It was also a journal moment since it was the first time she's done it. I am sick, aren't I?
Well, that's about the only exciting things that have happened to us this week. Maybe this week will be more exciting. Oh--by the way, Joel mentioned that he cleaned the microwave last week because I was just so impressed. He wanted everyone to know. Our microwave was absolutely disgusting. Joel doesn't believe in covering anything when you put it in the microwave. Anyway, I came home one day and it was spotless! I kept opening it just to look at it. It still kind of freaks me out when I open it and it's clean. Anyway, just thought I would explain his post.