Jenna was so excited when we had our first big snow storm back in December. She loves playing in the snow. It helps when Daddy gets really excited to go out and play with her. I am glad he does because I just hate the cold. I tend to use Ben as my excuse as to why I don't go out and play much.

This one Saturday was perfect. We got a lot of snow that was perfect for any type of snow activity--including shoveling.

We all went out and played for awhile, even Ben.

I felt sorry for him after a few minutes. We didn't have a hat that would go over his ears so we just bundled a blanket around him.
Jenna and I played for a little while. I pulled her around on her sled until I realized how out of shape I am. Good thing Joel came to the rescue and wanted to build a snowman.

I love this picture of Joel, Jenna, and their snow martian. They look so serious.
We all had a great time, but no one as much as Jenna. I love her excitement about everything!
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