Sunday, October 5, 2008

Halloween Ideas?

So Halloween is just a few weeks away. We have no idea what Jenna should be. We don't want her to be the typical princess (although that is probably what she would want to be, but it's not about what she wants--kidding), but can't find anything else we really like. Any ideas? What are your kids going to be this year?


Lisa K said...

For Colton's first Halloween he's going to be a red chili pepper and Joe and I are going to be "authentic" Mexicans. Reams has food costumes for kids that are cheap - bananas, grapes, etc.

The Youngs said...

Old Navy has some really cute costumes. Take Jenna there and let her pick out something.

jenkinsblog said...

Getchen is going to be Supergirl and Shelby is going to be a cheerleader.

Potter Family said...

I have a cute Turtle costume that my son wore last year! You can borrow it! (an excuse to see you!) It's a way cute turtle costume. We are going as Peter Pan and gang this year. We've never done a family themed dress up, but decided it's more fun!!