This year started out with Janelle showing up and surprising everyone. She had come down for a quick visit and hadn't told anyone she was coming. It was nice to see her and she was able to meet Ben. Unfortunately he slept until right before she had to leave so they didn't get much "bonding" time.

Then we had a delicious dinner. We had chicken, veggies, rolls, etc. Joel and I made the molten lava cake for dessert...yum!
After dinner the kids prepared for the annual acting out of the nativity. Ben was the baby Jesus and Jenna was an angel. Jenna was just beside herself with excitement.

Jenna was so excited to give her cousins a gift that she ended up grabbing it, unwrapping it and showing it to them. Fortunately it all happened so fast and she shoved the present so close in Preston's face that he couldn't tell what it was. Joel caught her and he wrapped it up again before anyone knew what happened. It was just so cute to see her excitement, though.
After presents, we raced home so we could start some our own Christmas Eve traditions (more to come on that later--if I remember)

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