We took our time opening presents and just had a great time admiring each one. Jenna was so appreciative of each gift she got. She even thanked Santa again and again for the other pair of pajamas she got.

Ben had a good Chrismas, too. Jenna was kind enough to help him open his gifts. He was more interested in eating the wrapping paper.

After presents we watched one of Jenna's new movies and ate breakfast. We let Jenna play with her new things while we worked on a puzzle.
Both sets of grandparents stopped by later in the day to visit. I think they were a little disgusted with us because Jenna had just discover the "Flarp" in her stocking when they came over. It was this putty in a can that when you squeeze it into the can it makes a tooting noise. Jenna and Ben got such a kick out of it which then made Joel and I just crack up. We had hours of fun with that disgusting toy.
For dinner we had a wonderful prime rib cooked in our new roaster. It was fabulous! The rest of the night was filled with working on the puzzle and another movie. We had such a great Christmas and can't wait until next year!
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