So we were at WalMart a couple of weeks ago. When we got home, I discovered we had purchased some stickers that I had not intended on buying. I thought I had put them away for a rainy day, but Jenna found them the next day and insisted on using them. I was busy getting ready for church and didn't really care that much what she did with the stickers. Here is where she was putting them...

At first I thought, "Poor Ben", but then I realized he really didn't care. In fact, he was kind of enjoying it. I figured no harm no foul so I let Jenna continue.

By the time we got to church, there were stickers everywhere! We left a little puddle of them when we left the chapel because there were so many. Even the next day at work someone pulled a sticker off the back of my shirt. These things were multiplying and getting everywhere. Did that make me stop Jenna from doing it again? No!

I guess I should be a stricter mom and protect Ben from all of this abuse, but it was kind of funny. All the stickers came off really easily except one that we had to wash off with water. There are only like three more sheets of those stickers around here. Speaking of which, I wonder where they went...
hey Kristen! I'm just reading back all your updates - I am not very good at keeping up with the blogging stuff... But anyway - your kids are so cute. Benjamin is growing so fast and has the most beautiful eyes. I love the sticker attack. It's amazing how the younger siblings just kinda go with it, well at least for now. I'm sure I'm in for a rude awakening when Spencer can retaliate more to the abuse he gets at the hand of his big brother. Jenna is so grown up and I was smiling thinking about her in primary with - seriously - the best sunbeam teachers in the whole church I bet!
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