Well, another week down and not much to show for it.
Monday - I went shopping on my lunch break for new clothes for Jenna. She went through a big growth spurt the last couple of weeks. A month ago she was in 12 month clothes, now half of her 18 month clothes are too small. I don't really get it though because the other half of her 18 month clothes are too big. Anyway, she needed new clothes. I got her a couple of shirts and some cute little shoes. Those are weird too, because the size 4 shoes are too small but the size 5 are way to big. I guess you never win.
That night we went to the Flash game. It was a lot of fun. The Owl from the Orem Owls (baseball team) was there. Jenna walked over to see him and just froze. He held out his hand to give her five and she just stood there staring at him. As soon as he turned around, she started to wave at him. What a weirdo. We left just before the 4th quarter, but before we left the MC pointed out that Thurl Bailey was at the game. They had him stand up and sing happy birthday to all of the people in the audience who were having birthdays. It was his birthday, too. I enjoyed it because I think he is an awesome guy. He is on our Board of Directors at work and I have had the chance to meet him a couple of times. He is super nice (and not bad on the eyes, either).
Tuesday - I got to go to the gym tonight because the Pistons were playing so Joel stayed home to watch Jenna. I usually try not to be gone for very long, but tonight I decided I wanted to see how long I could run. It's been awhile since I've done a distance run, so I didn't think I would last very long. I was able to run nearly 4 miles before I decided to stop. I wanted to go longer, but also wanted to do some lifting before I left. Plus, I saw too many people that I knew there so I just wanted to leave. I don't like to be there with people that I know. I know, I am weird. I just get self conscious.
Wednesday - I got to go to the gym again today. It felt really good to go. I didn't stay long because Joel wanted to work on the basement and couldn't if he was watching Jenna. When I got home I grabbed a quick bite to eat then got cleaning the house. I hadn't put the laundry away from the weekend, so I had to do that. Plus the house was a mess, so Jenna "helped" me clean up. By the time 9:00 rolled around I was beat. I fell into bed nice and early.
Thursday - More cleaning! The house was still a mess. It never seems to stay clean for very long. It was also The Office night tonight. Joel and I DVR'd it and watched it commercial-free. It was hilarious! I am so glad that it is back on.
Friday - It was the longest day of my life at work today. I was just waiting on other people to finish some stuff so I didn't have a ton to do. Plus, the weather was beautiful outside so it made it so hard to be at work. When I FINALLY left, I picked up Jenna and we went grocery shopping. About two aisles into the store, Jenna demanded that I open the fruit snacks and give her some. I couldn't blame her because it had been awhile since she'd eaten. The only problem was, she proceeded to choke on one. She managed to cough it up along with everything else that was in her stomach at the time. We made a mad dash to the bathroom where we cleaned her and myself up. I couldn't get the stench out though. Needless to say, the rest of the shopping experience went rather quickly.
Saturday - We got up early and headed to Home Depot. Joel needed insulation for the basement and I needed storage shelves to finally organize our newly finished storage room. We spent a good hour there. Afterward, we went to breakfast (although it was nearly noon) with Joel's family. Joel's Aunt Kristi and Kelly were in town so they all got together so we could see them. It was fun, but quick since Joel and his dad wanted to get working on the basement. They spent the entire day down there and got quite a bit done. Finally, around 6, Joel emerged from downstairs and we headed to the last Flash game of the year. It was fun. It's been nice to have season tickets, but I don't think we'll do it again next year. It's almost a burden to go to all of the games. We feel like we have to though, since we already bought the tickets. After the game we came home and planned our Sunday School lesson.
Sunday - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to us! It's been seven years. I know, I can't believe it's already been that long. We haven't done anything for the anniversary yet. We are going out to dinner on Tuesday, but that's for my birthday, Valentine's Day, and our anniversary. We're a little behind on celebrating events. Anyway, our lesson went well today. It was about forgiveness.
Other - So I get on Mom & Dad's blog earlier this week and found out that Jill was in Australia. Thanks for the heads up on that one. You should have told me--I would have gone with you (well, maybe not. I am still a first time Mom and can't stand to leave Jenna). Anyway, I felt pretty stupid because I had just left Jill a message the night before (you can just delete that, Jill).
Anyway, that was a long and boring post, but I think it fills you in on everything.
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