My sister, Jill, and her family came into town this last week for a quick visit. It's been over a year and a half since I have seen her and I don't know how long it's been since I have seen her family. It was really good to see them.
They came in Saturday afternoon and that night everyone went to Mom & Dad's for pizza and visiting. Here are a few pictures I took. (I just realized that most of them are of Jenna. I really need to expand my horizons, huh?)
For some reason, Mom and Dad have a shuffle board court in their backyard. The kids had a blast pretending to play. Here are Jenna and Spencer playing.

Kyle teasing Spencer. Spencer isn't quite sure what to think.

Mom trying to put Jenna to work raking the yard.

"Here is some dirt. Isn't this fun?"

Caitlyn played with Jenna for a little while so Joel and I could visit.

Later in the week we also got together at Kyle's house for more food and talking. He bought us all Famous Dave's for dinner and we sat around in his backyard to visit and play. His backyard is perfect for that type of thing. I vote we go to his house more often :) I didn't get any pictures there, but we all had a lot of fun.
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