Friday, March 20, 2009
It's a...
Baby! And we couldn't be more excited. We went to the doctor today to find out the gender of our baby. It was so nice to finally see the baby and see that everything was okay. Before we went in, we asked Jenna if she wanted to see the baby. When we were all done, she kept asking where the baby was. I guess it wasn't too exciting for her. It was very easy for the technician to figure out the gender because the baby wasn't hiding a thing. That was nice because I was starting to worry that they wouldn't be able to tell.
The baby making a shadow puppet of a donkey.
These are the feet. The picture is kind of blurry because every time the technician would go to take a picture, the baby would move.
Going for a sucker punch
Oh, did I mention that it was a BOY? This picture will be really embarrassing to him in a few years. It even makes me blush!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
We went bowling again last night with Dave and Sophie. It was a lot of fun. We played boys versus girls and all did pretty well. I won't mention who won because it really doesn't matter anyway, right :) ? We played two games and we let Jenna play the second game. She did really well and scored a 99. There was a minute there when I thought she would beat me, but I came back with three strikes in a row--yes, I said three! I am awesome.
Helping in the garden
We had a BEAUTIFUL day yesterday so we were in the spring cleaning/gardening mood. Joel had read that we needed to get some maneur to put on our garden soon, so we went and got some and started to put it out. Of course, Jenna wanted to help. She actually ended up doing pretty well. (Don't mind the spikes next to the garden in the pictures. We are in the process of building a wall).

Dinosaur Museum
Last Friday, Jenna and I went to the Dinosaur Museum. I was going to take her to the aquarium, but decided against it since we were considering going to Sea World in a couple of weeks. I wish I would have picked the aquarium. Not that the Dinosaur Museum wasn't fun and had lots of cool stuff to look at, but Jenna just wasn't into it. She kept saying how she wanted to see the dinosaurs, but once we got there, they either scared her or she just didn't care. We had fun being together and had a nice lunch at JCWs afterwards, so it all turned out okay.
She liked anything you could touch. She especially like this one because it had a button. She loves to push buttons (including mine).
They had a section that taught about erosion where you could see how the water flow effected the sand. Jenna just liked to drop the dinosaurs in the water and spash everyone. I didn't care because the kids around her were brats anyway.
It took some coersion, but Jenna finally stood next to this dinosaur. She wasn't so sure about it.
They had cute little dinosaur costumes for the little kids. Jenna humored me by wearing this for all of three seconds.
Yay! Something to climb on!
This picture cracks me up for some reason.
Jenna "digging" for fossils. She had more fun flinging sand everywhere than actually digging.
I love this picture. Look close and you can see why. Hint: her pants just don't seem to fit the same now that she doesn't wear diapers.

New Hat

Jenna LOVES wearing underwear--and not necessarily in the conventional way. This is her new favorite way.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Valentine's Day 2009
We had a great Valentine's Day this year. Joel treated both Jenna and I like queens.
Jenna finding her gift from Daddy
She got a chocolate bar and a big red dog.
She couldn't wait to dig into the chocolate.
She loved her new dog immediately!
Joel got me a dozen roses, a card, and TWO boxes of chocolates. He also made us lobster tail for dinner!
Jenna enjoying her chocolate later in the day.
Getting ready to go to the Draper temple open house with my family. Isn't she cute? We had a good time spending the afternoon with my family going through the temple. Jenna was so funny with the things she said and did. My favorite is when she kept yelling out that she wanted to go swimming in the baptismal font--you know, the one with the "cows".

Best Day Ever
About a month ago, Jenna and I went to Kangaroo Zoo on my day off. It was so much fun! You couldn't wipe the smile off of Jenna or my face the entire time we were there (except for the times when I had to give dirty looks to rude kids or when the little girl threw up right in front of me).
I decided to go ahead and pay for me to go with Jenna to play on all of the blow up toys. It was the best decision. I didn't think she would do it by herself and I was right for about the first hour. After that she left me in the dust.
We spent about 2 or 3 hours there then we went to lunch together. We then went home and took a quick nap. Jenna spent the rest of the afternoon helping me with things around the house. She was so happy all day and such a good helper. I had so much fun spending the day with my cute little "baby" Jenna.
Jenna couldn't figure out how to get up this ladder for the longest time (I have to admit it was kind of difficult and very tall). I had to carry her up this about 30 times before she could do it on her own. I didn't mind, though, because it was a blast going down the big slide at the top.
Jenna jumping--her favorite thing to do.
One of the smaller slides. Jenna loved going down any way she could--backwards, on her tummy, and any other way she could figure out.
Coming down the big slide--our favorite!
She's so big!
Jenna had fun with EVERYTHING--including the chairs! This is the look she gave me when I told her to smile.
I decided to go ahead and pay for me to go with Jenna to play on all of the blow up toys. It was the best decision. I didn't think she would do it by herself and I was right for about the first hour. After that she left me in the dust.
We spent about 2 or 3 hours there then we went to lunch together. We then went home and took a quick nap. Jenna spent the rest of the afternoon helping me with things around the house. She was so happy all day and such a good helper. I had so much fun spending the day with my cute little "baby" Jenna.

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